Pediatric (child) Dentist in Gurgaon
- After feeding the baby it is important to wipe the baby’s teeth, this prevents caries.
- Your child must brush twice daily with the brush taking only a thin smear of fluoridated toothpaste.
- As the child grows older, increase the toothpaste to pea-sized.
The emergence of the first baby tooth sets an exciting milestone on your childs development. It also means you need to pay special attention to your child’s oral health. But don’t worry its not so difficult to do. New baby teeth are more pron to decay if not taken care properly. This makes us feel that every child should visit dentist at early age. It not only educates about the maintainance of babies oral health, prevention of decay in early age but also helps in alleviating the fear from child’s mind towards dentist.
At Dantkriti we provide a child friendly environment. We understand their requirements and also we have safe sedation protocols. Our pediatric dentist first make the child aware about the procedure. Thanks to technology which makes the kids dental treatment quick and completely painless.
Care Provided by Pediatric Dentist at Dantkriti
1. Counseling with Parents - We have expert counseling regarding children habits, diet factors, hygiene maintainance, care taken during sports.
2. Fluoride application - Fluoride is a very important aid in the battle against tooth decay. It strengthen the mineral structure of teeth and make them resistant for decay when applied on teeth during specific age.
3. Pit and Fissure sealants - Sealing off the deep fissure and pits at newly erupted back teeth at age of six is the best known measure to prevent early decay.
4. Child Counseling - Your child also needs to know the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene. We offer child counseling where we explain oral hygiene and its fundamentals for your child in the simplest way possible.
Why is taking care of baby teeth is important if they are not going to last forever?
Baby teeth are very important for child health and development as they help them to chew, speak and smile, and aids in proper nutrition and growth. They also maintain space in jaws for permanent teeth to erupt. When child teeth is lost at early stage allows migration of other teeth into empty spaces which ultimately lead to crowding in permanent dentition. Also decay in kids teeth may affect permanent teeth which are lying beneath them in several ways.
Your child deserves the best and we know that you will always make the right choice where your child’s oral health is concerned. Visit the best-chid dentists in Gurgaon. Book your appointment today!
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