Emergency Dental Care in Gurgaon
- Severe tooth pain
- Tooth injury
- Broken Tooth
- Injury Face/Lips
- Jaw Dislocation
Emergencies can happen almost anywhere. Dental emergencies might happen on the plain field, while playing, could be on the highway or even when you are lying on the bed at night. Fortunately, most dental emergencies aren’t that serious but they do certainly require prompt care to restore back oral health and your smile.
Everyone must know how to respond when an emergency occur
We are going to provide you some basic guidelines but also be aware that if there are any sign and symptom of life threatening situation such as loss of consciousness, vomiting, seizure, amnesia, shortness of breath or cheast pain its important to go to trauma centre right away.
Let’s take a look at exactly how fast you have to act to get the best results in different emergency situations.
1. Teeth/Facial Injury- If the permanent tooth have been knocked out for example, it should be immediately located and rinse gently with water & if possible placed back in its position. If that isn't possible, the tooth can be placed in saliva or milk and immediately report to us. The sooner the treatment starts, the better the chances of saving it.
Baby teeth should not be attempted to put back in the socket because this could harm permanent teeth developing beneath the gums, and immediately rush to dental clinic near you. In other situations, for example if the tooth is still in the mouth but has been displaced or moved from its position or if its deeply fractured, you have little more time to act. But its always better not to delay.
At Dantkriti Dental Clinic we use a wide range of tools & techniques from specialisd root canal instruments to stabilizing splints that can be bonded to the teeth to provide emergency dental care.
Other types of dental injury where treatment can be given is up to 12 hours, these include, chipped or cracked teeth. In many cases chipped & cracked teeth can be successfully restored via cosmetic bonding. If possible, chipped portion should be saved and brought to the dental clinic.
2. Severe Tooth Pain - Sometime severe tooth ache strikes in the middle of the night & doesn’t subside. This is often a sign of tooth decay in which the infection has reached deeply inside the pulp or even bone surrounding tooth root, but it can also result from several other causes like wisdom tooth, gum infection. Make sure to have immediate examination at emergency dental clinic as soon as possible.
3. Sudden Inability in Closing Mouth - Sometime a person could suffer with a dislocated jaw during an injury or excessive mouth opening or yawning which could lead to inability to close jaw and may lead to pain. In such kind of situation one should never get panic and immediately seek an expert Oral Surgeon. Your jaw can be relocated in its space at once.
You never know when a dental emergency may strike but a little preparation can go a long way towards ensuring that you get the best outcome.
At Dantkriti Dental Clinic in Gurgaon our emergency dentist are highly equipped and trained to manage any kind of dental or maxillofacial emergencies ranging from tooth ache, jaw dislocation to severe jaw fractures, maxillofacial trauma and maxillofacial infections.
Also our emergency services are available 24*7. Our emergency contact number is +918920301714, 01244175848.
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