Preventive Dental Care in Gurgaon
- Teeth cleaning treatment
- Fillings treatment
- Teeth strengthening treatment
- Mouth guards
- Preventive dental care for elders
Let’s talk about one of the best values in healthcare today, preventive dentistry. The routine services we provide can help save your teeth & even your life. Its true dentist are often the first to detect signs of dangerous health conditions such as oral cancer, AIDS, anorexia. Also medical research has establish a link between untreated gum disease & systemic conditions such as heart diseases & diabetes. By visiting your dentist regularly, you make sure any oral health problems are caught early when they are easiest to treat.
Teeth Cleaning - The core of preventive dentistry is a check up & professional teeth cleaning. We use special tools to remove disease causing dental plaque from places you can’t reach with your tooth brush & floss. If left on the teeth for too long this bacteria filled plaque can harden into tartar, which is particularly irritating to your gums. We polish your teeth so that they are sparkly & smooth. After the cleaning, we examine your mouth for signs of oral cancer, gum disease & tooth decay.
Fillings - Small cavities can often be filled to prevent decay from reaching deeper into the tooth & creating more painful & costly problems.
Teeth Strengthening - Children can receive teeth strengthing topical fluoride treatments as well as dental sealants to keep bacteria out of the little groves in bad teeth.
Mouth Gaurds - If your child plays sports, we can make a custom fitted mouth guard that will protect against dental injuries.
Preventive Care For Elders- Seniors are particularly prone to tooth decay because many take medications that can dry out their mouth as a side effect. This leaves them without the natural cavity fighting protection of saliva. Even seniors who have false teeth need regular preventive dental visits, because dentures need to be adjusted from time to time to maintain a comfortable fit.
Your comfort health & quality of life are the main concerns of preventive dentistry. If it’s been a while since you’ve seen a dentist, make an appointment today.
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