Periodontal Treatments in Gurgaon
- Bad breath
- Tooth sensitivity
- Gum recession
- Redness or irritation of gums
- Swollen gums/sore gums
- Bleeding when you brush
- Loose teeth
Having a great smile isn't just about healthy sparkling teeth, you also need good periodontal health i.e your gums. And if your gums are not healthy, your smile is at risk.
Lot of people have one form of disease or another, about half of the population over age 30. Here many don't realise it because they aren't having obvious signs particularly in people who smoke.
Even when signs of gum disease do become appearent they are often ignored or considered no big deal, for eg. If your gums bleed when you brush or floss, you are most likely to have a form of gum disease. Bleeding gums is a warning sign that bacterial plaque is building up on your teeth & you need to spend a little more time on your oral hygiene, particularly flossing. To be safe, a professional dental cleaning would also be helpful in this situation.
Its important to bring any early gum diseases under control, before you start to experience bone loss from around your tooth roots which can cause your gums to gradually separate from your teeth receding gums. We at Dantkriti can check whether this is happening by measuring little gaps between the tooth & gum called periodontal pockets. If pocketing is significant you may need to have gum treatment also called periodontal therapy. The core of this treatment is to stop the progression of gum disease before it cause the teeth to become loose or even fall out.
How Gum Diseses are treated?
Thre are two broad category of periodontal therapy namely non surgical & surgical.
Non surgical therapy starts with professional cleaning of the tooth surfaces just below the gum line to remove disease causing bacteria plaque & tartar. You may also be given topical antibiotics or antibacterial rinses to further rinse the area.
If gum disease is moderate to severe, periodontal surgery may be recommended. This treatment is often focused on rebuilding lost bone. Periodontal surgery is a procedure performed in a dental office under local anesthesia.
What can I do to maintain my gums health?
You have a very important job to do at home, keep up effective oral hygiene routine. By staying on top of situation & maintaining your periodontal health, you can look forward to a life time of strong teeth, healthy gums & beautiful smile.
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