ALL ON 4 Dental Implants: A Revolutionary Immediate Teeth Replacement Solution

ALL ON 4 Dental Implants: A Revolutionary Immediate Teeth Replacement Solution

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All on 4 Dental Implants

What is All On 4 Dental Implant Procedure & Immediate Fixed teeth

All On 4 Dental Implants procedure is a revolutionary treatment for replacement of a complete set of teeth for the patient who almost reached the end of their natural teeth or they have no teeth at all with the placement of only four Dental Implants in each jaw, through minimally invasive surgery. The Dental implants fixed in bone acts as the foundation for All on 4 dental bridge

The procedure involved in All on 4 technique is somewhat different from conventional implant placement technique by placing tilting the posterior implant at 45 Degree angle and allows even patients with virtually no bone to have fixed set of teeth without bone grafting

The traditional way to replace the missing teeth with dental implants would have been removing all your teeth let that area heal and in the meantime you have dentures that are removable and then you through the process of building up the bone placing the implant and then having fixed teeth on the implant.

What all on 4 dental implant treatment promise is that you can have your unhealthy teeth removed and then you can have the dental implant placed on the same day.

The credit of success of All on 4 dental implants system goes to Multiunit Abutments.

The multiunit abutments come in 3 different styles

Multi-angle abutment for all on 4 Dental Implants

  • Straight
  • 17 degree
  • 30 degree

And is basically to redirect implant angle and also to bring the tissues and abutment to the same level. So we are able to bring the abutment to the tissue level and its easier to work from a prosthetic point of view.

It also allows us to angle the implant distally to avoid sinuses, to avoid inferior alveolar nerve which able to get Anterior-Posterior spread maximum as possible. And as the spread is maximized there will be minimum cantilever

When to choose All on 4 Dental Implants Over Conventional Implants

This All On Four Dental Implant procedure is most suitable for the patient who lacks sufficient bone level required for traditional implant placement and either has been discouraged for fixed dental implant prosthesis or told they need to undergo costly and time-consuming bone grafting procedures before placing the dental implant.

Advantages of All on 4 Dental Implant System

  1. Higher success rate than conventional implant system
  2. Need for invasive and costly procedures such as bone grafting is eliminated
  3. Total time duration is relatively short
  4. All done in one day: not only the implant placement but also the placement of fixed teeth done on the same day.
  5. Hygienic and easy to clean

Things to Know About All on Four Dental Implant System

How Much Time Does it Take

All on four dental implant treatments usually require a couple of appointments where we discuss the treatment, discuss all of the options go through the treatment planning, and take the x-rays & models before the surgery.

What is the difference in traditional implant and All on 4 Dental Implant system

There is absolutely no difference between the implants we place in all on 4 dental Implants treatments & traditional implants treatment.  So the implant still needs 3 to 6 months to fully fuse with your bone.

The difference In all on 4 is because all the implants are connected there is very little movement of the implant while chewing and this is what gives this treatment the high success.

But during the healing period the bone shape continues to change and that’s why we recommend changing the acrylic bridge you get at the time of surgery to a much stronger metal bridge.

How much pain should I expect

We can have you sedation but a lot of my patients who actually have this require only local anesthesia and you would be surprised to know how little discomfort is present in most cases afterward.

When will I get my fixed teeth:

In all on 4 dental implant procedure surgeon place 4 Dental implants in one arch of the jaw on the same day we remove the teeth out (in case of a patient have it) and the same day we fix a set of teeth.

Cost Of All On 4 Dental Implant Procedure:

To know about the detailed cost of All On 4 Dental Implant procedure refer to Dental Implant Costs


Oral Surgeon Dr. Himanshu Gupta performs a remarkable procedure call All On Four Dental Implants. It’s a revolutionary technology for the patients who need to replace multiple teeth

This is a technique which is been around for over 20 years and what it does is it relies on natural bone and places the implant where there is bone.  From that you get secured implants in place and you go back instead of Dental top on implant you place a row of teeth which is much less pokey and it attaches directly to implants and doesn’t come out. You can clean underneath and it’s a great treatment for the patients who cannot tolerate dentures.



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