Experience Painless Dental Treatment: Best Dentist in Gurgaon
Most people ignore dental health and do not seek dental treatment at the proper time, due to the fact that they are afraid of pain.
Dentistry has evolved so much in past years that we are able to provide almost all dental treatment without pain. Painless dental treatment not only relieves the discomfort of the patient but also enhances the trust and confidence of his/her dentist. In turn, when the patient is quiet and relaxed during a dental procedure the dentist can deliver his best to the patient.
Why Pain-free Dentistry is Important
Most of the dental procedures are performed under local anesthesia which means the patient is awake during the procedure. To provide 100 percent the best dentist require complete cooperation from the patients, and patients can only be cooperative if they are not feeling pain or discomfort.
We Perform Dental Treatments under Local Anesthesia, Sedation, and General Anesthesia where we take you to complete sleep but most of our routine dental procedures and minor oral surgery procedures such as root canal treatment, dental implants, tooth extractions, wisdom tooth surgery can easily be done under Local Anesthesia
Painless Dental Anesthesia technique:
1. Use of Numbing Gels and Spray:
Initially, we apply numbing gel and spray to anesthetize superficial mucosa which decreases the pain and discomfort while injecting the local anesthesia.
2. Slowjec Pain-free Dental Anesthetic System:
At Dantkriti we have replaced the traditional injection syringes with the painless Slowjec dental anesthesia delivery system. Slowjec is a revolutionary electronic anesthesia delivery machine that pushes anesthesia with controlled rate and pressure and alleviated the pain from the injection.
Moreover, it doesn’t look like a traditional injection which makes it a much more pleasant experience for those who have a phobia from syringes.
Painless Root Canal Treatment In Gurgaon:
Root Canal Treatment is a wonderful procedure to save an infected, aching, or broken tooth from being removed and keep it functional by restoring it.
It’s a very common myth that Root Canal Treatment is a painful procedure. Actually, the root canal is a procedure to relieve the pain caused by a diseased tooth.
Conditions that may cause pain during Root Canal Treatment:
1. Inadequate Anesthesia or Improper Technique:
Most of the root canal procedures can be done painlessly by numbing a single tooth but in some cases, especially in the lower jaw complete nerve anesthesia is required to give complete relief from pain.
Inadequate anesthesia can also be due to wrong anesthesia technique or may be due to different anatomy of bone or nerve than usual which may require special techniques.
2. Severe Acute Infection:
During the time of acute phase of infection usually, it takes a longer time for anesthesia to dissociate and act. Local anesthesia blocks the pain nerve fibers, touch and pressure nerve fibers have a milder effect from local anesthesia.
In severe acute infections, even the pressure fibers can carry pain. In these cases, we may need a little extra dose, Supplementary anesthesia such as intraligamentry, intraosseous & intrapulpal injection, patience, and gentle touch to carry out the procedure painlessly.
Use of Modern Techniques in RCT :
The use of modern equipment and techniques such as endo motor, apex locator, on the one hand, decreases the treatment time & discomfort to the patient on other hand increases the efficacy and success of the root canal treatment.
Painless Dental Implant Surgery In Gurgaon:
The Placement of Dental Implants inside the jaw bone requires a minor surgical procedure.
To perform Painless implant placement we need
1. Painless Dental Anesthesia:
At Dantkriti with the help of modern technology and practice, we are able to administer local anesthesia with minimal discomfort.
2. Reduction Gear Torque Controlled Physiodyspenser:
Physiodyspenser is a specialized motor to prepare a slot in the jaw bone to place the implant. It controls speed, torque, and water flow
It is important not to overheat the bone during implant site preparation as bone cells start dying if overheated. Physiodyspenser rotates without stopping at very low speed (400-1200 RPM) along with continuous wash with saline as coolant without warming the bone.
Slot preparation with this Dental Implant motor prevent the death of bone cells, minimizes pain and discomfort, and enhances the success of dental implant.
3. Sophisticated Implant System With Sequential Drilling and Drill Stoppers:
The success of dental implants does not just depend upon the brand of implant. The surgical and prosthetic kits required to place the implants also plays a very important role in terms of precise placement of the dental implant, reducing surgical time, and minimizing pain and discomfort to the patient
Feature such as sequential drilling and drill stopper allows precise positioning of dental implants and minimize the risk of accidental damage to nearby vital structures in the jaw bone.
4. Use of Multiangled/ Multiunit Abutments:
In the case of full mouth implants or multiple dental implants placing multiunit abutment at the same time allows the operator to correct parallelism of the implant and brings the abutment to the gum level.
At the time of the prosthetic phase of the implants, the process of impression and measurement becomes very comfortable to the patient as it causes no pain at all.
5. Surgeons Expertise:
Dental implants are done by an expert oral surgeon to ensure precise placement and less chair-side surgical time. Also if any other surgical is required to enhance implant success and stability such as Tooth removal, Sinus lift, or bone grafting can easily be managed by Dr. Himanshu Gupta Dental Implant Specialist during the same appointment.
Patient discomfort is minimized as they don’t have to undergo multiple surgeries on the same site.
6. Flapless Guided Navigational Dental Implant Technique:
In Guided Implant Surgery, Dental Implants are placed with the help of a performed Guide or splint made with the help of CBCT and CAD/CAM technology. The positioning of the implants is very precise in this case.
Guided Implant surgery, in most cases, does not require a flap to be raised and trauma to the gums is minimal and in turn, postoperative discomfort is very minimal.
7. Digital Impressions and Implant Crown Fabrication:
Digital Impressions with the help of Dental Scanners allow the accurate and precise fabrication of dental casts and models. Use of impression materials is eliminated which at times are not so comfortable for the patients with gag reflex, limited mouth opening, and also when multiple implants are placed
Painless Tooth Extraction In Gurgaon:
Tooth Removal or Tooth extraction is a commonly performed procedure to remove tooth/teeth for the reason such as
- A Grossly Decayed Tooth that cannot be saved
- Severely infected tooth
- Severely mobile tooth
- Tooth-forming cyst or tumor
- Impacted Wisdom Tooth causing problems to surround gums or adjacent tooth
- Tooth Removal due to orthodontic Reason
- Broken Tooth
Tooth Extraction is a stressful procedure both physically and psychologically. The procedure in itself can be painful during and after the removal
At Dantkriti Dr. Himanshu Gupta Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon and Best Dentist In Gurgaon realize the physical and emotional stress associated with tooth extraction therefore he tries to minimize the pain and agony during and after the procedure
At Dantktiti Tooth removal Is Carried out Painlessly. Starting from anesthesia the tooth removal is performed in the least traumatic manner. Sometimes teeth need to be split up especially impacted wisdom teeth, an old root canal-treated teeth are grossly decayed tooth, and is done by highly advanced motorized machines saving as much bone as possible which also hasten postoperative healing.
For all minor Oral Surgeries such as Mucocele Excision, Frenectomy, Apicectomy, Small Biopsies, Small Jaw Cysts and Tumors, and Minor Jaw Fractures, almost the same protocol is followed to make the procedure as comfortable as possible for the patients.
Dental Lasers for Painless Dental Treatment:
At Dantkriti we are equipped with Dental lasers which we use in a variety of procedures to provide painless dentistry to our patients. Lasers are used for teeth whitening, cavity detection, and removal of tooth decay. We use lasers to remove benign tumors, perform biopsies, and treat cold sores and gum disease. Dental lasers at our practice are also used to prepare teeth for fillings, crowns, and bridges, and to remove overgrown tissue in a procedure called laser frenectomy. Overall, dental lasers help us to make many dental procedures more comfortable for our patients and improve recovery times.
Painless Orthodontic Treatment In Gurgaon:
Orthodontic treatment also called ‘Braces Treatment’ refers to the treatment in dentistry to correct the malpositioned teeth and jaw such as gapped teeth, crossbite, deep bite, underbite, crowding, open bite
To correct these we need to move or shift the teeth in the desired position. For the teeth movement, the traditional method is to bond the brackets to the teeth and tighten them with the wires. These brackets, wires, and attachments sometimes can cause ulcers, sores, pain, and discomfort.
Nowadays we have an Invisalign Aligner system that effectively straightens your teeth through the series of custom-made removable trays ( aligners) made with smart force technology.
Invisalign aligners are proven to be less painful than braces as there are no brackets and wires to cause ulcers & sore
The forces on teeth with aligners are more controlled and gradual so the discomfort is very minimal
Also, the oral hygiene maintenance care is very good in the case of removable aligners than fixed braces which are difficult to clean and can cause soreness in gum areas
So overall the Invisalign aligners are much more comfortable and can cause minimal pain and discomfort when compared to the traditional wires and braces system.
Schedule an appointment at Dantkriti for any Dental issues or call us +91-9773505706, +91-8920301714.
For Emergency Dental Services our lines are open 24/7.
Dantkriti Location:
- Building No, 91, Golf Course Rd, Chakkarpur, Sector 28, Gurugram, Haryana 122002, India
- B-122, Ardee City Gate Number 2 Rd, Block B, Ardee City, Sector 52, Gurugram, Haryana 122003, India