Relieve Your Wisdom Teeth Pain

Relieve Your Wisdom Teeth Pain

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wisdom teeth pain

Wisdom Teeth Pain: Remedies, Causes, Problems, Prevention & Procedure

Sometimes you might experience terrible pain in last tooth which could also be associated with pain in jaws, ear, neck or headache. The probable reason could be infection inside or surrounding wisdom teeth.  People often decide to get their wisdom teeth removed due to recurrent pain and trouble. However to relieve your discomfort before getting an appointment with your Oral Surgeon or Dentist you can follow these home remedies:

Home Remedies for Wisdom Teeth Pain

Ultimate solution for your wisdom teeth pain is to get them checked by experienced oral surgeon but to get immediate relief you can try these over counter medications and natural home remedies:

Pain Killers :

You can take NSAID available over the counter for pain relive. Ibuprofen, Ketorolac, Piroxicam, Diclofenac, Paracetamole are few examples. NSAID’s reduces the pain due to its anti-inflammatory actions. But be cautious if you are suffering with Asthma, Liver diseases, Kidney diseases, Stomach ulcers or allergies. Consult your doctor before taking pain medications if you are suffering from any other ailments.

medicines tablets

Topical Anaesthetic Gels:

Numbing gels usually contains benzocaine or lignocaine which can be applied directly over the gums to relieve your discomfort for a period of time. These gels although do not reduce inflammation but anesthetise the area so that you don’t feel pain. They are readily available in drug stores.

Saline Rinses:

It is quite a popular remedy for wisdom teeth pain. Rinsing with lukewarm water with dissolved table salt helps in alleviating pain. Rinsing with warm salt water removes debris, cleans the area and kills harmful bacteria.

rinsing mouth with mouthwash


Betadine Rinses:

Similar to salt water rinsing use of betadine mouth wash also helps in killing bacteria and keeps the mouth clean.




Ice Packs:

Ice is a natural anti-inflammatory and anaesthetic agent. With ice pack application from outside there is drop in localised area temperature and reduction in inflammation, pain and swelling. Also ice has the numbing effect if applied for longer period of time which keeps the pain less.





Clove oil:

Clove oil is natural toothache reliever. It contains a chemical known as eugenol which as anaesthetic and anti inflammatory action. Its acts by numbing the pain perceiving nerves of tooth and killing bacteria

These are the few solution to provide you relief from pain for a period of time and not to cure the actual disease. To treat the actual reason or disease consult Your oral surgeon immediately.

clove oil

What Are Wisdom Teeth

Meial Impacted thired molar

Wisdom teeth are the teeth that shows up at the back of our mouths. In other words they are the last teeth and also erupts lastly when compared to other teeth. They are also known as third molars.


They get fully developed in age between 18 to 25 years. Sometimes they get developed at much later age. They are named wisdom teeth because they show up at an older age compared to other teeth. Most people have four wisdom teeth, one at the end of each row of the teeth in mouth


Problems with Wisdom Teeth:

x-ray showing impacted wisdom tooth causing decay in adjacent tooth

Some people don’t experience any development of wisdom teeth throughout their lives as they don’t have wisdom teeth at all, but this happens relatively rarely.

It is believed that we have wisdom teeth because our evolutionary ancestors had them. Our ancestors had bigger jaws, so the wisdom teeth did not cause any problems for them. Through time we have evolved to have smaller jaws, but we still posses the wisdom teeth This space limitation in the evolved human being makes the presence of wisdom teeth problematic.

Once the wisdom tooth develops it can either stay in gum, or make a partial breakthrough from the surface of the gum or make a full eruption. In all cases, there is considerable amount of possibility that it will cause discomfort and complications.

Wisdom teeth mostly stay inside the gum or only partially break through gum surface. Its development mostly gets hindered by neighbouring  teeth. That in turn, causes the impaction of the wisdom tooth and can result in various complication of gums, swelling, and pain. There is also an increased likelihood of cavities with an impacted wisdom tooth.

When a wisdom tooth breaks through the gum with not enough space around it for a comfortable settlement in the oral cavity it can cause damage to nearby teeth. The tooth usually does not get proper space to make a successful jaw confirming eruption.

As a result , they may push against other teeth and causes inflammation or other complications such as misaligned or crooked teeth. There can also be issues of tooth decay and chewing problems.

wisdom teeth problemsProblems associated with wisdom teeth are:

  • Pain in jaws
  • Swelling
  • Decay of teeth and Adjacent Teeth
  • Infection of gum surrounding wisdom teeth
  • Abscess and pus formation
  • Malaligned and Crooked teeth
  • Dental Cyst
  • Tumors

Prevention from Wisdom Teeth Pain

For quite sometime, mostly, the standard procedure to tackle the wisdom teeth has always to pull them out as soon as they present themselves.

These days Dentists are more skeptical about performing extraction as the wisdom teeth do not always necessarily cause problems. There is also a possibility of side effects after their removal, and the removal procedure is also sometimes not a simple one .

Inflammation of gums can also be observed even with normal eruption of the wisdom teeth. This inflammation can be subdued in a short duration of time such as 3 to 4 days by proper management and without any need for extraction. Proper management includes


Improved oral hygiene

Interdental cleaning

Regular dentist visit


  Avoid sugary sticky food




Drink adequate amount of water.

Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure:

If the pain persists for longer period of time then a Oral surgeon should be consulted, and extraction can be opted.

Wisdom tooth Removal is a minor oral surgical procedure which can be performed safely under local anesthesia or mild sedation by Oral & Maxillofacial surgeon in dental clinic.

Time require for removal of wisdom tooth varies according to several conditions. Usually it takes 20 to 40 minutes.

Surgeon assure the procedure to completely painless by administering proper anesthesia numbing the tooth and associated jaw bone

After anesthesia surgeon gives mild pressure to loosen up the tooth. Sometimes it is required to section the tooth in pieces to retrieve it out without cutting excess bone.

After the tooth extraction patient have to follow few post operative instructions and advise.


Mostly people have one of the most painful days when wisdom teeth showed up.

How was your experience?

If you are having wisdom teeth pain Schedule an appointment with Dr. Himanshu Gupta at Dantkriti Dental Clinic In Gurgaon for painless wisdom teeth extraction or visit our website


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