Treat Your Tooth Pain Without Pain: Toothache Causes and Treatment in Gurgaon

Treat Your Tooth Pain Without Pain: Toothache Causes and Treatment in Gurgaon

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tooth pain causes and treatment

At Dantkriti Dental Clinic in Gurgaon, every day we see patients those are having aching teeth or teeth that really hurt, and today we are going to discuss the reason for tooth pain and their treatment.

If you are suffering from severe toothache you can try home care remedies for tooth pain before visiting your dentist

The most common reasons you are having a toothache are:

Toothache due to Tooth Cavity:

  • A tooth cavity is essentially a hole in your tooth that is caused by acid-producing bacteria that eats away at your tooth and if a cavity gets large enough and approaches the nerve (pulp) which is in the middle of the tooth you can have severe pain
  • However, not all cavities are deep enough to cause this pain. A lot of times it goes silent or untreated and then eventually when you get to the point where you’re having pain, it’s so large that it might need a root canal or it might need to be extracted.
  • So that’s why it’s so important to go to your dentist to diagnose your conditions you know periodically ideally get your exam done every year, to make sure that these silent cavities aren’t going unnoticed so what do dentists do to treat this type of cavity

tooth cavity

Treatment of Toothache caused by a tooth cavity

  • If the cavity is small, you can do a small filling with composite resin or that white filling material that’s bonded to your tooth and that can basically get you back to health.
  •  If the cavity is more extensive and it takes up a lot of your tooth and it’s basically a lot of your tooth is compromised then sometimes you need an inlay, onlay, or a crown to cover up the tooth after you remove the entire cavity
  • If the cavity is so large and it’s to the nerve and it causes that type of pain that spontaneous sharp shooting pain that wakes you up at night, then you might have to get a procedure called a root canal treatment we basically get rid of the infected nerve and then put a biocompatible material into the tooth, and then your tooth will feel a lot better
  • If in case tooth damage is beyond repair or other restorative procedures are not possible, so to get the tooth extracted is the only option.


Now dentistry has evolved so much in the past decade that if you are missing a tooth there are several tooth replacement options. Some people can get like a partial denture or the best thing that you can do is to place a tooth implant in the empty tooth space.

At Dantkriti Dentofacial Aesthetics & Implant Center, our Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon places these Dental Implants, and then you get an implant-supported crown that goes on top of that implant and that’s the best replacement option for you


Toothache Due to Gum Diseases

Comparision of healthy and diseased gums

  • The second reason that you might be having a toothache is from very sore gums. You can get sore gums in a variety of ways.
  • Sometimes you can be eating hard food items and a food item can get dislodged under the gum and that can be really painful it can feel like the tooth has a cavity or the tooth needs to be pulled out. when all you need to do is remove that little piece of the food under the gum.
  • Also, if your teeth have little tiny gaps between them, food is very easily trapped in those spaces. This can be very annoying for patients those who really want to keep their teeth clean. They feel like every time they’re eating, they have to floss out food that’s getting stuck in between their teeth. One of the best things to have is teeth that have contact with one another because if your teeth are not touching one another then food can get trapped in there also it’s easier for you to get a cavity
  • Actually, very small spaces between teeth are harmful and cause more food lodgement, if a space is large enough the food can pass through that space relatively easily and it’s not as annoying and also you’re not as likely to get a cavity. That’s why we want teeth that have contact with one another
  • Sometimes if there’s an old restoration on a tooth like an old crown and that tooth has shifted then we like to take off that old crown and put a new crown that has a larger diameter so that you can have tight contact which will prevent any food from getting trapped in there.
  • Also, you can have sore gums if you have severe periodontal disease or gum disease where your gums are swollen and puffy and when you’re brushing or flossing your teeth and your gums are bleeding.


Treatment of Sore Gums and Toothache

  • So, what do the dentists do if you’re having sore gums or if you have food dislodged under your gums?
  • Well typically if a patient comes to us and they’re saying oh you know I feel like I ate something yesterday and it’s really hurting under my gums I’ll take a look and we have some special instruments that can clean under the gums.
  • If there is generalized soreness and sensitivity in teeth. Teeth cleaning and root planning give tremendous relief
  •  If your gums are swollen and it really hurts to touch, then we might have to give you a little local anesthesia. We go very slowly and when we do it and then we go under the gums and we clean the surface of the tooth to make sure there’s no debris stuck on the tooth or any debris under the gums. If there is something under there and we remove it you’d be surprised how much relief you will have immediately.
  • So, you have to get a really good cleaning to rule out whether this is the reason for your dental pain or your tooth pain because sore gums or swollen gums can be really painful as well.


Toothache due to the Fractured tooth

Teeth Injury
Fracture Teeth

We see a lot of cracked teeth. Cracks on teeth may develop due to

  1. External trauma,
  2. Heavy biting forces,
  3. Root canal-treated teeth, especially without capping
  4. Under an older filling.


1. External Trauma:

  • A tooth can become dead and can cause infection in bone after sustaining trauma.
  • This kind of tooth pain can occur suddenly and may even be present after many years of the injury.
  • Mostly in these kinds of cases, we see discolored teeth with an infection at the root apex with an intact tooth.

The treatment for dead teeth after trauma

  • Root Canal Treatment and removal of underlying pathology followed by Tooth restoration

2. Heavy biting forces & Habits:

  • Because of heavy biting forces or certain habits like supari or gutkha chewing, the tooth enamel wears off and develops minor cracks.
  • Once these cracks propagate and expose the underlying dentine and pulp.
  • With continuous grinding, the tooth becomes dead and can cause severe sensitivity and pain.

The treatment for sensitivity and pain due to teeth grinding

  • Tooth filling, and root canal treatment followed by restoration with a tooth cap.
  • Sometimes if the tooth is completely fractured and can’t be saved, Tooth extraction followed by tooth replacement is the solution.


3. Fractured Root Canal Treated Tooth:

  • A Root canal-treated tooth becomes brittle and is prone to fracture easily. Due to loss of moisture from the tooth dentine and loss of tooth structure. That’s why we recommend getting a crown or the proper restoration of the tooth after an RCT

Treatment of Root canal-treated tooth fracture

  • Restoration of the fractured part, if possible, otherwise, tooth removal followed by replacement is the solution.

4. Fractured tooth under large fillings:

  • Let’s say you have an amalgam or silver filling that encompasses a lot of your tooth that maybe you had when you were younger and then you see crack lines propagating from where the silver filling reaches your natural tooth.
  • Sometimes people don’t have any pain in them and then all of a sudden, they eat something hard and the tooth breaks to a point where you have to take it out.

Treatment of toothache due to fracture tooth

  • Well, if the crack is small, we remove the entirety of the crack and do a small filling to restore the tooth.
  •  If the crack is very large, we have to remove all of the cracks as much as we can, and sometimes we have to remove any restoration associated with that crack and we do a crown.
  • If the crack involves the tooth nerve, we have to do a Root Canal treatment followed by a tooth crown
  • If the crack goes all the way down under the gums, we have to extract the tooth and replace it with a tooth prosthesis like a dental implant or dental bridge


Tooth pain is associated with Wisdom teeth

Mesial Impacted thired molar

  • A lot of people get their wisdom teeth taken out when they’re 16 or 17 or so.
  •  When your wisdom teeth come out a lot of times the wisdom teeth are hidden under the bone or they are coming sideways where they’re impacting, we call it an impacted wisdom tooth where they’re impacting the tooth next to it and this can cause a lot of problems in the future

Treatment of Wisdom tooth pain

  • Typically, when a patient comes to us with wisdom tooth pain, they’re mentioning that they’re having some soreness in their jaw towards the back.
  • Usually, we take a periapical X-ray we can see that the wisdom tooth is maybe rotated or maybe it’s just causing some discomfort or pain, and then our oral surgeon Dr, Himanshu Gupta with special tools and specialized skills able to take it out wisdom tooth quickly and painlessly.



Toothache due to Altered Tooth Bite

  • The fifth reason that you might be having pain is that your bite is off
  • So, let’s say you just had a new restoration done whether it be a new crown or a new filling and these new restorations can still give you mild pain and discomfort afterward.
  • The problem is that when you bite down, you’re biting high on the filling or the crown and you’re placing all that force from your bite onto that one part of the tooth instead of it being evenly distributed across your teeth.


Treatment of tooth pain due to altered bite:

  • As a dentist, we like to adjust the bite after we’re done completing our treatment. But sometimes our patients are still numbed up so we’re basing our bite adjustment on a numbed-up patient and it isn’t really the most accurate thing to do.
  • Once the effect of the anesthesia wears off it may feel like the restoration or crown is a little bit high while biting. Make sure to call your dentist because that can really cause discomfort and also can be traumatizing to that tooth and cause tooth-related pain.
  • One of the easiest fixes to do is to adjust the bite so that when you bite down everything feels stable on both sides of the mouth
  •  So, the way we adjust the bite at the dental office is to take blue articulation paper and put it on your teeth you bite down and grind left and right & front and back, and then we see marks on the teeth and then we adjust those marks if they are too prominent.


So those are the five main reasons why you’re having tooth pain or you’re having a toothache but I want to mention some other special considerations


Other Causes Of tooth Pain

There are conditions where you can be experiencing tooth pain but the source of the pain is not the tooth itself

Tooth Pain In Trigeminal neuralgia

  • Trigeminal Neuralgia is a neurological condition basically affects the trigeminal nerve that sends the impulses to the brain where patients suffer from flashy or electrifying shocks in their faces.
  • Most of the time patients would come into our practices and say I have a toothache and please get that tooth removed
  • But upon examination, we would find that the teeth are really healthy but the patient is unable to bear the pain.

So these are cases that need to be suspected of trigeminal neuralgia.

The triggering factors could be as simple as

  • Going out in cold air
  • Just washing your face
  • Shaving or touching affected areas


So many of these factors can trigger a neurologic condition, the pain would be for a short time but the severity of the pain is quite extensive which disturbs the quality of life this condition can be very well managed by medications in most advanced cases may need surgery but with today’s early intervention I think it’s very important for everybody to get a screening done get an evaluation done if anybody is having any of these symptoms and which can be treated way early and better.


The Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia can be


Alcohol/ Glycerol Injection



Tooth Pain Due To Maxillary Sinusitis:

  • Sometimes if the patient is having acute sinusitis, especially maxillary sinusitis, then the pain of the sinus may refer to the upper back teeth. The pain is usually diffuse and feels heavy on biting.
  • If the patient is complaining of dull upper teeth pain and there is no finding in teeth or gums, look for other symptoms, such as a running nose, blocked nose, heaviness in the cheek or head, and tears from the eyes.



So, if you are suffering from a toothache due any reason visit us at Dantkriti Dental Clinic in Gurgaon. We have 24/7 dental emergency care and a team of expert dentists in Gurgaon to relieve your tooth pain painlessly.


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